Indeed Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves - Ar-Ra'd: 11

Thursday, January 29, 2009

doktor ad ms ke nk edit² gmbr ni?

kredit 2 my sister for this picha.
ad mse plak k.yam edit2 gmbar ni.. kate xde ms. bizi laaa. cuti pon x blk umah..
huhu..sejak bile pndai² edit gambo ni..msti boring thp cipan ney..klo x..susoh beno nk mengedit2 gmba niii..nway..nice design! LOL
i want to tell u something about her...hihi..
her name is Siti Maryam Safura binti Adnan
and mine ; Siti Nur Ain binti Adnam

tp kitorg adik bradik tauuu..
nurse 2 yg x reti eja.. x skolaa kot.hihi

she's a cute n intelligence baby girl who was born on July 7th, 1988
HUSM, Kubang Kerian.

die pkai braces.
and also my BEST FRIEND ever ever ever n ever after.

ink x tau nk describe die cmne. no word can say that she's my best ever sista!
dulu. kitorg skolah rendah skali. umi pn mngaja kt skolah y sama.
then die msuk amalin aisyah putri.swasta.
ink pn dpt msuk sne gk,,, tp x g. g smbung kt SMK Dato' Ismail.
then, form 4 n 5, die dpt msok mara.. MRSM PC.
then, result die, Ya Allah, bg ink gempakk laa.. ink x dpt beat ponnn.. T.T

die dpt diploma senibina kt utm tolak.. die g Matrik under mara.
Kolej Mara Kulim.

and skali lg..result die. gempak thp kritikal for both sems.

finally. she got what she deserve.

Pursue her study in Medic, Unimas.

skrg...thn 2 sem-4. 5 thn blja medic.

ink- 4 thn. nti InsyaAllah kitorg graduate thn y sama..hihi

sejak die msuk unimas..jarang skali bleh jumpe..blk pon kdg². tket mhl katenyee...nk study laa.xsempat catch up laa..xpe.. i'll support u yam! k.ti boleh! ganbattenee~

dikesempatan ingin mngucapkan gongxi fat coi (hahaha) utk k.yam.

jange stress sgt2.nti cpt tuo. moga dpt blaja dgn tenang n jayanya.

love u sista!!!

your lovely 'sis ink'


Azah said...

byk nye belog diee...huhu...

lorh..xtau plak ain follow amek widget tuh lagi...

silent reader ek?

.ain.™ said...


LeMaNtO said...

tu ar...
jd silent reader ialah xtvt harian ku..

~nk mnyampok juga~he3

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